Check me out (barely) on TBS. Good find, Mike D.
New Pirates Generation Season Ticket Holder watching an evolving experience at PNC Park...
Monday, October 7, 2013
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Pirates Playoff Pictures from PNC Park NLDS vs. Cardinals
More Pirates playoff pictures...
We all kept rubbing this guy's Byrd jersey for good luck. Because ... Byrd is the word?
Plenty of jolly rogers wave in the stands these days.
Huh-huh, 69 homeruns.
Keep Doing It
Let's just keep doing this. PNC Park!
Take a look at what an RBI single looks like at PNC Park these days.
Peep Jason Grilli entering the game at PNC Park in October.
Winning a playoff game at PNC Park looks like this.
Folks on the Clemente Bridge enjoy post season October winning baseball. Take a look.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
THAT WAS INSANE. Have you ever, EVER, heard a hockey-goalie-taunting-style chant at a baseball game? CUUUUUEEEETOOO CUUUUUEEEEEETOOO. Insanity.
Wearing the Colors
Those of you who know me know that I don't usually play dress up for sporting events. For example, you won't see me dressing up as another grown man by wearing his name on the back of my shirt. I mean, really, I'm a grown man, I'm not dressing up as Ben Roethlisberger just to watch a football game, you know what I mean? It's not Halloween, it's football. But I'm an event guy, and today is an event! (On a side note, looks like I need to do a little yard work.)
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Enjoying Final Games from Afar
Wednesday I flew to Seattle for a very good friend's wedding, so I get to enjoy the final Pirates games from the Pacific Time Zone. Saturday and Sunday, the final 2 games of the series (and season) that will determine home field advantage in the one-game Pirates-Reds Wild Card playoff, start at 1pm Eastern ... which means 10am Pacific!
Two years ago I came out here to visit and got to watch a Steelers-Ravens game at 10am, my first time experiencing East Coast sports from the West Coast. I loved it. Instead of pacing all morning waiting for Garret Cole to take the mound, I can hop right out of bed and into baseball watching mode. No fucking around, just wake up and get right to it. Sunday morning promises to be a religious affair as this historic 2013 season comes to a climax, hopefully concluding with the promise of at least one more game at PNC Park! Ground Chuck, baby! The Cole Train! #LGB
Friday, September 20, 2013
Biggest Series at PNC Park, Again
The biggest series in PNC Park history occurs this weekend as the Pirates host the Cincinnati Reds in a 3 game series, the final home games in this historic 2013 season. So, Pixburgh sports fans, step away from your 0-2 Stillers for a few weeks (and God help you if you watch preseason exhibition hockey, I mean, come on). Make sure to indulge in these final 9 (plus post season) Pirates games as the best sports story of the year continues to unfold. Not only do you get a free shirt Friday, fireworks and a concert Saturday, and a scarf on Sunday, but you can witness these 2 Central division opponents square off in an epic battle for playoff position, setting up next weekend's season ending series in Cincinnati.
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Eight Straight?
Today I embark on an eight day journey -- the conclusion of a lifelong dream, an ambition of adulthood coming to full fruition. I plan to attend all 8 of the Pirates remaining regular season games, officially concluding my Summer as a season ticket holder (baby!) for a winning baseball team. I set this goal for myself (to become a season ticket holder, baby, for a winning baseball team) in adolescence, and it represents the first time in my life that I set an actual adult goal for myself. Interestingly, I couldn't reach it on my own -- because the team involved has to hold up their end of the deal, the winning part. Since I've spent all of my adult life in Pittsburgh, I've actually never had the opportunity to even consider this goal until now (or until last season, when they got close, and I did get season tickets (baby!) as well). So, although it took until my 35th year to accomplish, I actually achieved the goal at the very first opportunity I had -- the first winning baseball season in Pittsburgh since 1992. It's not earth shattering, but still interesting, to conclude, then, that my adult life has been, far and away, much more successful than the Pittsburgh Pirates Major League Baseball franchise. Of course almost anyone under the age of 40 can make that claim, but still, great job, Joe. Way to be. Frightfully bully. #LGB
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Pirates All the Rage
Media outlets all over the information superhighway have focused their spotlights on your Pittsburgh Pirates this week, as they enter September in first place, poised to make the playoffs after 20 losing seasons. Take a look at some of the articles:
- The Sporting News has a great photo gallery called "Pirates Lowlights: Two Decades of Frustration Come to an End"
- Yahoo Sports says "Determined Pirates Press on After Ending 'Streak'"
- Andrew Mccutchen lands on the cover of Sports Illustrated. Yikes.
- Let's hope he doesn't land on the disabled list now, CBS Sports warns.
- Bleacher Report posted a nice blurb.
- This Sports Illustrated article chronicles 20 of the worst moments over the last two decades.
- USA Today ran a great Marlon Byrd article.
- ForTheWin called the Pirates yesterday's "big winner."
- ESPN's E:60 has aired an Andrew Mccutchen episode.
Dawn of a New Era
I want Pennant Races NOT Pierogi Races!! |
Well on their way to their first winning season since 1992, your Pixburgh Pirates find themselves not only sitting on 81 wins, but sitting atop the NL Central, 2 games ahead of the Red Birds and three and a half in front of the Red Legs.
Two years ago I bought a 10 game package in July/August, hoping to usher in the new era of Pirates baseball. Last year when they strode into the all-star break like a Clydesdale I bought a prorated full season ticket package for the remaining 40+ home games -- poised, I thought, to finally welcome winning to PNC Park for the first time ... ever. But, as you all know too well, they fell straight in the pooper.
But as the win totals climbed from 55 to 72 to 79 over those years, this franchise started to taste success. Now, they hadn't devoured it. They didn't even really bite into it. Even to say they tasted success takes a stretch of the imagination. Let's say they licked it. After licking success during 2012 (and subsequently vomiting all over themselves), they've finally come all the way around to getting a full taste this year. The Pirates, the Pittsburgh Pirates, have ended their 20 season losing streak and all but guaranteed at least a wild card playoff appearance, leading the division by 2 and the wild card by a stout 11 games.
By the end of the week I will have ponied up over $2,000 to secure my playoff seats for 10 potential home playoff games. Right now they still have 11 home games left in the regular season, and I probably plan to attend all of them. Why not, right? Yes, maybe even the 2 remaining SkyBlast and Fireworks games. The countdown to 81 has ended, and by the time the Bucs return for their final homestand of 2013, they will have officially secured their first winning season in over 20 years. Now begins the countdown to the playoffs. And perhaps -- gasp -- the countdown to November...
Friday, August 30, 2013
So Far, So Good
Even though the Pirates entered last September playing meaningful baseball games, within striking distance of a playoff spot, this year feels entirely different. For one thing, I've become reluctant to sell my tickets. I paid about double for the tickets this year as I did last year, but it hasn't bothered me a bit. Last year, as they collapsed and fell out of contention, I didn't care financially because I had already sold so many and made back two thirds of my initial cost. So I could skip games and not worry about it. I could just say fuck it when they played like garbage over the final 6 weeks.
This year I don't really feel like selling any. I want to go to almost every game. Wednesday, it rained all day, and I easily could have skipped, but decided with a friend to go at the last minute. I wanted to see Marlon Byrd's first game. And what did he do? He hit a three run homerun!
Thursday -- a beautiful night -- I took another friend and we had a great time. Friday, free shirt Friday, I went with a third friend, and we saw a shut out of the first place Cardinals. I have tomorrow's SkyBlast tickets to sell, and someone just texted me after the game to buy them. 120$ in the pocket. And Sunday I will probably go again.
I don't really have anything to say! I haven't posted in awhile because things have gone smoothly. Sure, the Pirates have only played about .500 since the beginning of July, but they still have a share of first place, a strong hold on a playoff spot, and a fantastic home winning percentage.
Free Shirt Friday! |
Since young adulthood I've aspired to become a season ticket holder (baby) for a winning baseball team. I've done my part so far. The rest remains up to the Bucs. Also, since childhood, I've always wanted to have a place that I could walk into and order "my usual." Back then I always imagined a diner, but these days a bar seems apropos. I go to this place around the corner from my apartment called Lot 17, and I've become friendly with one of the bartenders, Pat. So the other day, I walked over and wanted to sit outside on the patio. I could see Pat through the window, so I just gave him a wave and sat down, hoping he would bring a beer out for me. A moment after sitting down, I hear him call, You want a Magic Hat and a menu, Joe? I have truly become an adult.
Friday, August 9, 2013
Reconsider Your Options
![]() |
"Should I Stay or Should I Go?" The Clash |
Remember, we're talking about the Pittsburgh Pirates, losers of 20 consecutive baseball seasons, the most by any North American professional sports team, ever.
So... game half over, Pirates trailing by 4, I would have to jump on the bus and get downtown ... might as well just skip this one, right? With season tickets, baby, you can exchange unused tickets for future games -- even after the fact. So I have nothing to lose by skipping this one.
But this is the new PNC experience. As I keep saying, it's become about the pennant race not the pierogie race. Your 2013 Buccos are a different breed. So I started thinking ... what if they come back? It's a reasonable idea. The Pirates bullpen should hold the opponent at 4. If they can get Fernandez out of the game, scoring a few more runs doesn't seem like a monumental task. Maybe I would have something to lose if I skipped this game. Would I regret not having gone if they come back and tie and win in walk-off fashion?
I had to reconsider my options. I texted Andy. OMW get me beer if last call.
By the time I arrived in the 7th, the Pirates had halved the lead, 4-2. Fernandez got the hook, and here comes Chad Qualls out of the bullpen! Yes! Qualls faced 6 Pirate hitters this series, over 2 days, and all 6 of them reached base! The rest of the game unfolded just as I had imagined it could, with a Bucco victory. Not that I predicted it would. But that it could. That's the difference. That's the new experience at PNC Park.
If you want access to playoff tickets, I suggest you get season tickets, baby.
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Smart Food
After suffering through a free hot dog last week, I figured why not just grill my own Hebrew National all beef frank before the game tonight? So I had a grilled hot dog with steamed veggies (broccoli and carrots from my garden), and I brought peanuts, cajun sesame sticks, and red grapes with me.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
A Different Environment
Let's Go Bucs, at Rifrafters Campground |
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
The Times They Are A-Changing
I think I just spent 7 hours at PNC Park. And most of the time I sat there watching every pitch. And get this. So did everyone else at the stadium! Mindblowing. Have things officially changed? Sure, you can't say you've done much if a series in July represents the biggest series in your ballpark's history -- but still, you can only get there one season, one series, one game at a time. And what a pair of games. What a series so far, with the Bucs taking the first 3 (of 5 total) against the previously first place St. Louis Cardinals on a beautiful, historic, and epic July night in the 4-1-tizzle.
How about this? During the second game when they played Pirate trivia (or whatever the hell stupid game) with a fan -- you know, the game where you win a hat or wind breaker and then have to choose whether to keep it or take the Mystery Box? In my experience at PNC Park this moment -- this fan trivia game -- is the most exciting point of the night. The box, we have to know what's in that box! Tonight, though, I heard not a ripple, not a rumble, not a remote interest in the mystery box. Nobody gave a damn that the dude got an old school Duck Hunt / Super Mario Brothers classic Nintendo game (phenomenal mystery box prize by the way). People actually waited for the end of the innings to get up and pee or go stuff their face. No one loitered in the aisles. People got yelled at if they did!
Pirates fans came to see the game. They came to see a pennant race not a pierogi race. Remarkable. You can feel the difference. You can hear it. I met my season ticket neighbors to the left, a nice older couple named Steve and Something I Forget. I can't go the rest of this week and weekend, but I sold my tickets to friends. Steve and his wife said they'll make sure everyone behaves. I even took pictures tonight. Oh, and let's not overlook the fact that I caught a launched hot dog. Pictures to follow.
What a phenomenal crowd. You could feel a buzz at the ballpark (without even drinking). Tremendous seats, too, by the way. Row C rules.
Did you know that they do actually shoot real hot dogs out of those launchers? Take a look at this rubbery wiener (that I did not eat). It also came with a voucher coupon for a dog if you didn't want to eat that one. I did redeem the coupon and enjoy a red hot with relish, onions, and Heinz ketchup.
Monday, July 29, 2013
Mixed Feelings as 2013 Season Tickets Begin
Even more exciting my second half full season ticket package officially begins tonight as well! I should be doing cartwheels and swinging from the chandelier, right? But here's the problem -- I have to go out of town this week! I leave Wednesday morning for West Virginia for a short camping trip at the New River Gorge before continuing on to Winston-Salem, NC for my cousin's weekend.
Worst case scenario? The Pirates win tonight, Wednesday and Thursday, and lose the double header (the 2 games I attend) on Tuesday. That will really piss me off if they do that.
Otherwise, I feel fine missing out on the "biggest series in PNC history" because it will only really matter if another series down the road claims that same title. I'll make it to the next biggest series in PNC history.
I had no problem selling all the games I'll miss. My cost per ticket came out to 24$ each (so 48$ per game) and I'll sell them at that price or lower to friends -- since they still get a discount over the regular price and better seats than you could get from the box office. For fireworks games I will see what I can do on Craigslist. I got 125$ for the game Saturday Aug. 3 against the Rockies. I sold Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Sunday to friends!
Monday, July 15, 2013
Changing Experience

Check out this great article by AP write Ted Anthony about the new experience evolving at PNC Park this year. This quote demonstrates the point of this blog perfectly: ""For 20 years, it's been the Penguins and the Steelers. And the Pirates have been the afterthought. And now the Pirates are in the conversation. They're relevant," says Scott Kaminski, 45, a lifelong Pirates fan and college baseball player who is now an attorney in neighboring West Virginia. "For 20 years it's just been, `Well, let's go see a Pirates game for something to do,' or `Some great players coming into town,' or "It's a great ballpark.'" Now it's `Let's go see the Pirates.'""
Monday, July 1, 2013
Thursday, June 27, 2013
All Aboard the Pirate Ship?
As you may know, last year (2012) I bought season tickets for the second half after the Pirates showed they could compete. This blog -- Season Tickets, Baby -- documents a new, changing experience at PNC, a shift in perspective. It hopes to follow a fan base refocusing -- from fireworks and free t-shirts to pennant races and trade acquisitions; from dippin' dots to developing prospects.

I felt satisfied with my purchase last year. I got about a month and a half of good, meaningful games, and I sold enough tickets to make back most of my original cost. But the late season collapse (twice) -- coupled with increased ticket prices this year (seriously?) -- left me convinced I shouldn't re-up my package. My thinking leveled out over the off season, feeling good about Russell Martin, a full year of Wandy, etc, but still didn't think it wise to purchase a package at the beginning of the new year. Why not wait again like last year and see if they demonstrate the ability to compete at a high level consistently?
Now ticket prices have settled down a little bit. No, I'll never get outfield box seats for 12$ a ticket again -- tremendous deal last year -- but it came down from 24$ to 21$. Last year I bought the remaining 45 games -- every home game left -- but right now the full season prorated package only gives you 30 games. I don't know why they don't give the full package, but I actually like it better this way, given the price increase. In other words, I can pay closer to the same overall price, and just get two thirds as many games -- rather than getting the same number of games at a significantly higher cost.
Approaching the midway point this year it sure looks like the Buccos will stay in it. (All of the "Are the Pirates for real this year?" talk started in May, and the team has only improved since.) Of course, it looked that way last year, didn't it? But you can see the obvious differences in this year's team: Russell Martin and Starling Marte; a legitimately powerful Pedro; lock-down, playoff caliber bullpen; an incredibly deep starting rotation; and Andrew McCutchen hasn't fully heated up yet.
The Pirates, on June 28, 2013, reached first place in the NL Central, passing the Cardinals for the best record in all of Major League Baseball, nearing the halfway point in the season. That certainly bodes well. Ruhl well, as we say in the 'Burgh.
Let me consider a few reasons not to buy, though. One, if Tricia starts grad school in the Fall she probably won't attend games with me in September :-(. Two, the Pirates pitching can not sustain this level of run prevention. Three, it's the freakin' Pirates. Three solid reasons, to be sure, but not enough to make the risk outweigh the reward at this point...Let's buy! I think. What do you think?
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Cole's Debut Absolutely Tremendous
I've never seen PNC Park so electric for a whole game. I've seen moments like that, but people were hanging on every pitch from Cole tonight. Tremendous. Absolutely awesome. That is exactly what I'm talking about when I'm talking about a new experience at PNC Park. Phenomenal. And he pitches to contact, that's the best part, rather than trying to blow everyone away. Who else throws 98 and pitches to contact?!? Fantastic.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Chicago Thinks Things Have Changed at PNC Park
I wanted to get season tickets last year to witness a change at PNC Park. I want to see the transition from losing to winning baseball. I want to see the ballpark here in Pittsburgh evolve from a place to watch pierogi races to a place to watch pennant races. I want to see this question get answered: is there a new experience at PNC Park?
Well, some of the people at the Chicago Sun-Times seem to think that this change has already taken place. They site examples like signing Andrew McCutchen to a long term deal and signing Jason Grilli this offseason rather than letting him go to a team like the Cubs that offered a little more money. Interesting article...
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Discount Pirate Tickets

Friday, April 26, 2013
Love the Pirates Hot Start!
Now, you have to admit, the voyage on the Titanic started off great, with people mingling and drinking hot toddies. Obviously we know how it ended: icy cold, face down, ass up. So, while I love the Buccos' great opening month of April, let's not raise the Jolly Roger so far up our own ass that we can't see the big picture.
All signs look good, though. Well not all. They started the season a miserable 1-5 with absolutely no hitting. And even during the recent 12-4 stretch we've seen some awful starting pitching. But, 1) I'm exaggerating the negatives, and, 2) the positives far outweigh these negatives ... so far.
As you know from last year, the decision of whether or not to buy a season ticket package weighed heavily on my mind during the first half of the season -- until finally I gave myself the go ahead around the midway point. I decided before the season started this year, based on two factors, that I would have to play wait-and-see again before even considering buying in. If you combine the terrible, miserable, awful garbage baseball to which the Pirates reverted in August/September 2012 with the franchise's decision to significantly raise ticket prices this year, you can see why.
Let me sum up the ticket price increase the following way: for the exact same seats that I had last year it would cost me twice as much (per ticket) to get the same package this year. Last year I got a pro-rated full season ticket package in July, for all the remaining home games, at 12$ per ticket, for tickets whose face value was 24$ (lower outfield box seats near first base). That turned out to be an absolutely great deal! Going into this year, for the exact same tickets, they would have cost 24$ per ticket after the discount! In other words, this year's discounted price (for the full season package) has the tickets priced the same as last year's face value price. Doesn't that seem insane when you put that way???
I guess it just shows how great a deal I got last year. Speaking of last year, that reminds me (and here's a warning: this post is about to take a turn). Fucking A, that was the year for god's sake, ugh!!! Losers!! Sixteen games over .500 with 2 months to play ... the worst collapse in baseball history?!? Twenty consecutive years of losing -- the longest such stretch in modern professional team sports history ... first, you totally blow the season, and then you go and jack up the prices?!
This post started in a positive way ... and it concludes with the following sentiment ... It's Riverhounds time!!! Let's just hope there isn't yet another blog in my future.
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Reconsidering Season Tickets Again Next Year
Down the stretch last season I swore off investing in the season tickets again next year -- because the final third of the season was just so miserable. So many of the games I went to were awful, just miserable baseball games, stacking up losses, giving up tons of runs, diminishing crowds. But. Then I remembered my bottom line. I originally spent 937$ for 2 tickets to about 40 games, lower level, near first base. Very good seats at 12$ a ticket -- 50% off the regular price for those seats. Then I sold a third of my games -- just a third -- and made back $627. So, for selling a third of my tickets, I made back two thirds of my cost. I ended up spending about 300 bucks for 25 games worth of tickets. It brought my total cost down to 6 dollars a ticket -- for what normally costs 24$ + fees.
So I'm facing the same decision as I was last year.. If they are hovering at or above .500 for most of the season, with a chance of contending going into August/September, I do want to be there. The question is this, though. Will I still have an easy time selling my tickets if they don't perform as well in the first half of the season? Should I wait again until June or July to see how things play out? I'd love to replicate the same experience -- invest about $1000, sell a bunch of games, and make back a big chunk of my money. The point being this. If you were going to buy these tickets at face value, and go to 5 games, just 5, for 2 tickets it would cost you $250 (or more with fees). I only ended up spending $300 for about 25 games. So why not?
The only reason not to is if I'm worried that I won't be able to sell the tickets as easily this year. But here's the thing. The fireworks and other special event games are always sold out, and I will always be able to sell them. Labor Day and July 4th games will be easy to sell no matter what.
I guess the other reason not to buy before the season starts is if there is a strong possibility that they will suck. If they're in 4th place all year, I don't want to go to any games. Maybe one. But that's my whole thing. I absolutely want to go to as many games as possible if they are contending -- but if they suck again, I have zero interest at all. Absolutely none.
The smart thing to do of course would be to wait until halfway again like last year. But if I buy early I can get a better choice of seats. And I can start selling them earlier than last year. Plus I'll have opening day tickets as well. And I'll just get to enjoy all the benefits of being a season ticket holder all year, which is nice -- if, IF, I'm going to go -- IF they don't suck! Jeez I am going in circles again just like last year! You can see why this is a tough call -- it's the freaking Pirates.
EDIT: I now just realized they have raised prices significantly. I guess that means I would have to ask for more when selling them, but there is not the same 50% deal for the Outfield Box seats that I got last year. Last year they were 24 at regular price. They cost 12 for the full season plan -- the only ticket level that was offered at 50% off. This year they are 28 regular price for normal games and even more, 33 bucks, for premium games (which are every Saturday). With the discount they are 22 and 26. That sucks!!! Last year, this tickets cost 24 for FULL PRICE. This year, the premium Saturday games cost 26 WITH the discount. In other words they cost more this year after the season ticket price discount than they did last year at REGULAR cost. That's insane. I mean, if they spend more on players and development, that's fine, I'm ok with that, so we'll see. We'll see.
So, on one hand that makes me want to buy them less. But on the other hand, given that the price has gone UP, it kind of makes MORE sense to buy season tickets -- so I don't end up paying regular price for a dozen games and spending way too much. Aye yay yay.
EDIT: I now just realized they have raised prices significantly. I guess that means I would have to ask for more when selling them, but there is not the same 50% deal for the Outfield Box seats that I got last year. Last year they were 24 at regular price. They cost 12 for the full season plan -- the only ticket level that was offered at 50% off. This year they are 28 regular price for normal games and even more, 33 bucks, for premium games (which are every Saturday). With the discount they are 22 and 26. That sucks!!! Last year, this tickets cost 24 for FULL PRICE. This year, the premium Saturday games cost 26 WITH the discount. In other words they cost more this year after the season ticket price discount than they did last year at REGULAR cost. That's insane. I mean, if they spend more on players and development, that's fine, I'm ok with that, so we'll see. We'll see.
So, on one hand that makes me want to buy them less. But on the other hand, given that the price has gone UP, it kind of makes MORE sense to buy season tickets -- so I don't end up paying regular price for a dozen games and spending way too much. Aye yay yay.
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