Let's Go Bucs, at Rifrafters Campground |
New Pirates Generation Season Ticket Holder watching an evolving experience at PNC Park...
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
A Different Environment
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
The Times They Are A-Changing
I think I just spent 7 hours at PNC Park. And most of the time I sat there watching every pitch. And get this. So did everyone else at the stadium! Mindblowing. Have things officially changed? Sure, you can't say you've done much if a series in July represents the biggest series in your ballpark's history -- but still, you can only get there one season, one series, one game at a time. And what a pair of games. What a series so far, with the Bucs taking the first 3 (of 5 total) against the previously first place St. Louis Cardinals on a beautiful, historic, and epic July night in the 4-1-tizzle.
How about this? During the second game when they played Pirate trivia (or whatever the hell stupid game) with a fan -- you know, the game where you win a hat or wind breaker and then have to choose whether to keep it or take the Mystery Box? In my experience at PNC Park this moment -- this fan trivia game -- is the most exciting point of the night. The box, we have to know what's in that box! Tonight, though, I heard not a ripple, not a rumble, not a remote interest in the mystery box. Nobody gave a damn that the dude got an old school Duck Hunt / Super Mario Brothers classic Nintendo game (phenomenal mystery box prize by the way). People actually waited for the end of the innings to get up and pee or go stuff their face. No one loitered in the aisles. People got yelled at if they did!
Pirates fans came to see the game. They came to see a pennant race not a pierogi race. Remarkable. You can feel the difference. You can hear it. I met my season ticket neighbors to the left, a nice older couple named Steve and Something I Forget. I can't go the rest of this week and weekend, but I sold my tickets to friends. Steve and his wife said they'll make sure everyone behaves. I even took pictures tonight. Oh, and let's not overlook the fact that I caught a launched hot dog. Pictures to follow.
What a phenomenal crowd. You could feel a buzz at the ballpark (without even drinking). Tremendous seats, too, by the way. Row C rules.
Did you know that they do actually shoot real hot dogs out of those launchers? Take a look at this rubbery wiener (that I did not eat). It also came with a voucher coupon for a dog if you didn't want to eat that one. I did redeem the coupon and enjoy a red hot with relish, onions, and Heinz ketchup.
Monday, July 29, 2013
Mixed Feelings as 2013 Season Tickets Begin
Even more exciting my second half full season ticket package officially begins tonight as well! I should be doing cartwheels and swinging from the chandelier, right? But here's the problem -- I have to go out of town this week! I leave Wednesday morning for West Virginia for a short camping trip at the New River Gorge before continuing on to Winston-Salem, NC for my cousin's weekend.
Worst case scenario? The Pirates win tonight, Wednesday and Thursday, and lose the double header (the 2 games I attend) on Tuesday. That will really piss me off if they do that.
Otherwise, I feel fine missing out on the "biggest series in PNC history" because it will only really matter if another series down the road claims that same title. I'll make it to the next biggest series in PNC history.
I had no problem selling all the games I'll miss. My cost per ticket came out to 24$ each (so 48$ per game) and I'll sell them at that price or lower to friends -- since they still get a discount over the regular price and better seats than you could get from the box office. For fireworks games I will see what I can do on Craigslist. I got 125$ for the game Saturday Aug. 3 against the Rockies. I sold Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Sunday to friends!
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